For parents

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Is the central platform for communication between Donnybrook Primary School and home. Updates are sent through the news feed, reports are published through this website/app and other school information (e.g. student absences) is found here.

Please follow and like our page, which is a great source of photos, videos, updates and information for existing families but also presents a lovely snapshot of our school to prospective families and to the wider community.

Find us here

Our school uses Class Dojo to build a digital portfolio of student work, to share and communicate about student homework and to provide parents and carers with an insight into learning in the classroom.

Learn More

We are proud to partner with Team Kids to provide Outside School Hours Care to Donnybrook Primary School (including before school, after school and vacation care). Details about hours, prices and how to register to use this service are all available on the Team Kids website.

Uniform can be ordered online at the Academy Uniform website or tried on, ordered and purchased at Academy Uniforms in Thomastown

238 Wolseley Place, Thomastown VIC 3074
(03) 9460 8011

Opening Hours: Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm, Saturday 9 am-12 pm